Tuesday, August 28, 2012

You are an angel!

Years ago, when I was a delegate to regional and international Unity retreats and conventions, I was blessed to enjoy Karl Anthony's talents as a great singer. Although I could not carry a tune in a bucket or keep a key (I was booted out of chorus in elementary school, natch!), I loved hearing Karl serenade us with "Angel, angel, you are an angel...I see an angel in your eyes." This week, I have an angel in my life who has blessed me with a $1,500 donation to my upcoming pilgrimage to Israel. I am almost halfway there and I am more than a year away from heading out with Rev. John A.V. Strickland and the Atlanta Unity delegation to the Holy Land. Anything, I have learned as a Truth student, is possible if I put my heart and my soul into achieving my goal. My benefactor shall remain nameless as requested, but we all know that this person's light shines brightly through their faith in me to be the best delegate that I can be. If you would like to donate to my cause, no contribution is too small. Please see my previous post about how you can help. Anything is possible when we set our sights on putting UNITY in the commUNITY! Namaste.

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