Sunday, April 14, 2013

The Miracle Worker

"My heart is singing for joy this morning! A miracle has happened! The light of understanding has shone upon my little pupil's mind, and behold, all things are changed!" - Anne Sullivan

If you have read the classic story "The Miracle Worker" by William Gibson, you already know of the struggle it took for Anne Sullivan to bring light and learning into Helen Keller's life. Sullivan and Keller go hand-in-hand, quite literally, in the latter's life story of overcoming darkness to find true enlightenment in this world.

Today is Anne Sullivan's birthday and serves as a lesson for those educators and mentors who often grow weary and frustrated in their work against all odds. Yes, there are those among us who choose to remain blind and there are those of us who soldier on and never surrender in our daily war against ignorance and metaphysical blindness. We can open our eyes if we want and we can when we have inspirations such as Anne Sullivan in our lives.

We all have our road to Damascus or our water pump where our minds awaken to the reality of our potential to opening new doors to the future. Anne Sullivan opened that door and ushered her young charge into a new world and a greater future. It took two, however, as this 'Aha!' moment broke new ground for the student to move forward upon her new found epiphany with her teacher.

Whoever your guide is in life, know that that person or persons are catalysts who merely help you find your voice and your spark. It is up to you to light that fire and keep it burning for yourself and your world.

Happy Birthday, Anne Sullivan!

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